Meet Kim:

For more than 20 years, Kim West has been a guide for positive lifestyle change, helping busy clients achieve their personal and professional goals.

Her journey as a coach and wellness expert began as a mother and entrepreneur, overcoming a difficult personal chapter to rediscover her own well-being and success. Now, she's passionate about sharing the strategies that transformed her life, empowering others to thrive with better sleep, improved productivity, and a more enjoyable lifestyle.

With a holistic approach, Kim has guided countless clients on their personal development paths, enabling them to reach new levels of wellness, wealth and success with greater efficiency and less stress.

Why Choose My Services?

Efficient and Practical Sleep Help

Having personal experience with insomnia, I know how difficult dealing with sleep-deprivation can be. I remember the days when I could barely think straight! With this, I have designed sleep coaching services that are an efficient and practical way for the clients to gain the lasting, natural sleep they deserve. Instead of the many band-aid type "fixes" you will find online, I translate real experience into real results for my clients and help them avoid time-wasting tactics.

Expertise You Can Trust

I began studying coaching for self-help reasons and quickly became fascinated with how powerful it can be. I have combined my numerous certifications in the field and years of guiding clients into self-improvement methods that are proven to work. My holistic and personalized approach helps us discover the root cause of your bad sleep, because you want results that last.

Tailored Solutions as Individual as You Are

My coaching approach is uniquely personal and tailored to your specific needs, because no two people are the same - and neither are their challenges. I take the time to understand the specifics you face. We then collaborate on how best to move you towards better sleep - and better living, in general. This personalized attention is what sets my service apart; you won’t find cookie-cutter solutions here. I personally handle every aspect of your sleep optimization journey. This means you're getting a consistent, individualized experience that's built on trust and a deep understanding of your unique sleep challenges.

My Expertise

Certified Integrative Sleep Coach for Adults

As a Certified Integrative Sleep Coach for Adults, I combine holistic methods with evidence-based practices to create personalized sleep strategies. My expertise helps you tackle sleep issues from every angle, ensuring that you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Certified Integrative Life Coach

With my certification as an Integrative Life Coach, I empower you to align your life goals with your well-being. I provide guidance that fosters both personal growth and lasting change, helping you to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Certified Hypnotherapist and Guided Imagery Specialist

As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Guided Imagery Specialist, I help you tap into the power of your sub-conscious mind to promote deep relaxation and mental clarity.

Certified Havening Techniques TM Practitioner

Havening Techniques are fast, effective and easy to do-at-home relaxation practices. I share these with client, so that they can benefit from these methods every day going forward in their life.

My Mission

My mission is simple: to help you achieve the best sleep of your life. I know how frustrating it can be to toss and turn at night, and I’m here to help make sleep something you can depend upon and look forward to, once again. Through our sessions, I’ll provide you with practical tools, expert advice, and ongoing support to ensure that you optimize your sleep and maintain those positive results.

What Makes Me Different?

I believe in building relationships with my clients. When you work with me, you're not just another appointment—you're someone I genuinely want to help. This personal connection allows me to tailor my approach to fit your specific needs and goals, ensuring that you feel supported and understood every step of the way.

Ready to Transform Your Sleep?

If you're ready to take control of your sleep and improve your quality of life, I'm here to help. Together, we can identify the challenges holding you back and develop a plan that leads to lasting change. Let’s work together to make better sleep simple and achievable.

Copyright © 2024, Better Sleep Made Simple™. All Rights Reserved.

Sleep coaches are not licensed healing arts practitioners; some medical conditions will require a doctor's referral.